Considerations for Washington DC Outdoor Family Photography 

Looking for Washington DC outdoor family photography ideas? I’m happy to capture your family’s portraits outside. There are a few things I want you to consider when choosing whether to have your portraits taken outdoors or in a studio. I’d love to share them with you here. 

Washington DC Location Family Portrait | Lisa Maco Photography Washington DC Family Photographer

7 Things to Consider with an Outdoor Family Photography Session

1. Sunlight – When taking an outdoor portrait, we need to consider the sun. At 1 pm, the sunlight is harsh and something that we’d need to work around. We’d have to look for a location that has lots of shade to create the right lighting. In the studio, I have the perfect professional lighting for any time of the day. 

2. Weather-Dependent – If it rains or snows, we have to reschedule our session date. We have to choose two dates for every outdoor session, our session date and a backup one. We try to make the call to reschedule with enough notice so that you and your family are not already dressed and ready to go. We won’t need to reschedule our session with a studio session. 

3. Fighting the Crowds – We are lucky to live in a city with so much rich history. However, that means there tends to be large crowds in popular parks, monuments, and other popular photography locations. Click here for my complete guide for what you need to know about outdoor family photography sessions in Washington DC. We might end up waiting or having to walk around to find the right spot. In the studio, we never have to worry about dealing with crowds. 

4. Scheduling – As I said before, I try to have two dates scheduled for every outdoor portrait session. We all know that everyone in DC is extremely busy, and it’s challenging to find a date that will work with an outdoor session because we need to time them just right. With a studio photography session, we can schedule the session when it’s most convenient for you and your family. 

Washington DC Location Family Portrait | Lisa Maco Photography Family Photographer Washington DC

5. Parking – Parking in DC is, well, a nightmare at times. If we’re chasing the sunlight, it’s crucial that we’re on time for our outdoor session. If you can’t find parking, it could throw off the entire session. I have street parking here at my studio, plus we’re not worried about the sun!

6. Lack of Privacy – Some of my clients are very private or wish for privacy during their portrait sessions. With an outdoor photography session, that’s hard to promise! The studio offers a quiet, private space for your family to relax and enjoy their portrait session.

7. Busy Backdrops – Washington DC is a beautiful city. However, sometimes the background of an image can distract from what is most important in a portrait – the people. I want your family portrait to make a statement on your walls. The studio space provides a classic backdrop that will never look out of place or out of style, so your family portraits will always look beautiful in your home or office. 

Washington DC Location Family Portrait | Lisa Maco Photography Childrens Photographer Washington DC

Washington DC Family Photography Studio 

As a Washington DC family photographer, my goal is to create timeless family portrait artwork that will live on the walls of your home or office for many years to come. My full-service studio photography sessions make it fun and easy to capture your family portrait and result in custom art that will be passed down through the generations. 
I’d love to chat and answer any questions you may have! Let’s schedule our Discovery call here.

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Lisa Maco Owner/Photographer
Certified Professional Photographer | Lisa Maco Photography, LLC, Washington, DC

DC Childhood and Family Photographer

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4400 Greenwich Pkwy NW

Washington, DC 20007

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